Calorify: the GPS for Your Metabolism
Millions of people feel lost when it comes to their weight, body composition, or training. What do you usually do when you’re lost and want to get to point X? You could try to get there by guessing or asking directions, but it would require a longer, more tedious, or more perilous route (if you ever even end up at your desired endpoint at all). The next best option would be to use a map, but this is only helpful if you know where you are on the map.
This is where GPS comes in handy: it tells you where you are on the map AND the fastest route to your destination. We can translate these same principles to your body.
Say you have a metabolism and body composition goal to achieve. You could guess and check along the way, but it takes a lot of time and would cause significant delays (if you ever even end up where you want to). The next best option would be to use a calorie counting app and smartwatch, but they don’t tell you how those calories eaten and burned will get you toward your goal. Enter Calorify: a GPS for your metabolism and body composition.
Calorify solves problems in the way that a GPS does. Our test can tell you where you are right now (how much you’re eating and burning, what your body composition is, and how much you’re training) AND where you should go to meet your goal (through personalized calorie targets and body weight planning).
Calorify, like a GPS, is NOT MAGIC. You still have to walk/bike/drive from point A to B, but it demystifies the journey and makes navigating so much easier. At Calorify, we believe the “not magic” portion of our message is important: we go out of our way to say that we’re not offering any quick fix, shortcuts or secrets to meeting your goal (those ‘hacks’ out there don’t work for everyone and more often than not, they don’t work for anyone). You still put in the work, we just make sure you’re going in the exact right direction…FOR YOU!