Metabolic solutions at scale.

Calorify delivers the world's most accurate measure of energy expenditure.

Calorify partners are moving the needle:

The gold standard of energy expenditure measurement for 40 years - now available anytime, at scale. Never again miss out on collecting TEE in a study.

Research & Clinical Trials

Calorify enables physicians to bring cutting edge metabolic testing to their patients, providing powerful data never before available in a clinical setting and ensuring accurate nutrition guidance.

Concierge Medicine

Calorie models leave too much to chance for patients struggling to get their diet right. Eliminate the guessing and give patients the confidence they deserve.

Medical Weight Management

Athletes live on a razor's edge between optimal body composition and adequate fueling. Don't play games with energy budgets - let Calorify provide precise guidance.

Sports Teams

A legacy of innovation.

2021: Calorify (largest & only commercial lab in the world); 1990s: Laser absorption spectroscopy; 1982: First test in humans; 1955: First test in mice; 1949: Doubly labeled water theory invented

Doubly labeled water has been the gold standard method of measuring free-living metabolism for over 40 years. Until now, the test was only available in an expensive research setting.

Calorify was the first to bring this proven and precise measurement to market by building out the largest lab of its kind in the world and developing new processes to make doubly labeled water faster, cheaper, and available in an at-home setting.

Built on the bedrock science of doubly labeled water.

Our team has decades of combined experience and works closely with our partners to meet their unique needs.

Customizable protocol, White labeling, HIPAA compliant data management, Bulk shipping, Staff support and training

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