How to Use Calorify, the Most Accurate and Actionable Calorie Counting Tool Ever Built
While the science behind Calorify is complex, using it is astonishingly simple:
Actually measure your complete calories in – calories out budget with Calorify.
Set your personalized calorie target to meet your goal.
That’s it! By using Calorify’s state-of-the-art technology and insights, you’ll get a birds-eye view of your metabolism and a plan to move forward. Let’s examine these steps in greater detail:
We’ll start by picking a goal. Say your goal is to lose weight. What you mean, more specifically, is that you’d like to lose fat. Hardly anyone wants to lose muscle at the expense of fat. Weight loss occurs when you’re in a calorie deficit of any kind (you can’t defy the laws of physics!). Calorify helps you find the calorie deficit that’s right for you. Calorify’s starting point for maximum safe fat loss is a 25% calorie deficit.
There’s nothing magical about this number. Rather, it’s a middle-of-the-road deficit that will 1) Allow you to efficiently lose fat, but not excessive amounts of muscle (which often occurs at deeper calorie deficits), and 2) Be a sustainable deficit so that you’re not ravenous, sabotaging your gains on cheat days, or so aggressive that you yo-yo out of your goal weight as soon as you reach it.
At Calorify, we’ll consult with you to come up with a plan that works for you. If you have a specific mission, such as losing 1 lb/wk or reaching a goal weight or body fat percentage on a particular date, we can do the calorie math for you. You still do the work, but we make sure you’re doing the right work.
To accomplish a weight loss goal with Calorify, the most accurate method possible, we use the following approach:
Set your goal with Calorify. We’ll work with you to come up with a custom body weight or body composition plan using the most advanced tools available.
Take a Calorify test. Simply order one of our at-home test kits, send back your samples and get your results within 2 days. Click the links to learn more on how our test works and the results you’ll receive. If you’d like the most precise data possible, weigh in daily during test week (this allows us to measure how many calories you’re eating to a high degree of accuracy) and count your calories using the tool of your choice.
Upon receiving results, Calorify will consult with you. We’ll tell you 1) The precise calorie target that makes the most sense for you and your goals, and 2) If you’re counting calories, we’ll tell you how to account for any discrepancy between your method and your lab result.
After sticking to the plan for a month or so, we’ll be able to see, through your weigh-ins, how you’re progressing. If you’ve undergone significant weight, body composition, exercise or nutrition changes, we’ll recommend a re-test date that makes sense for you.
Re-test as necessary to stay on track.
There has to be more to life than this, right?
Absolutely. Calories are only one aspect of overall health. But they are a fundamental aspect of what makes us human. Calories perfectly explain weight and are major factors in body composition and overall health. At Calorify, we’re agnostic to whatever approach you’d like to take. Want to switch to vegan or keto? Great! Now you can stay on track with your energy budget. Interested in intermittent fasting, high intensity interval training, or cold plunges? That works too! Whatever your diet or strategy, we’ll take care of your calories while you do the rest.
Get in touch with Calorify today to design your custom plan.