Complete Energy Budget

Ever wonder what the word "metabolism" really means? It refers to all of the chemical reactions that take place in your body to convert food into energy! There are four main components: BMR, TEF (digestion), exercise, and NEAT (non-exercise activity). Each component has a different function to keep your body happy and healthy.

Know your entire energy budget

Only the Calorify method can tell you your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) AND break down how many of those calories you burn while resting, exercising, digesting food, and doing all the other “stuff” you do throughout each day.

BMR: Basal Metabolic Rate

  • Calories burned at complete rest. 

  • Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is how many calories you burn at complete rest. You can think of it as the amount of energy you need to “keep the lights on.” If your metabolism was a car, your BMR would be the engine at idle – the energy needed just to keep everything running. BMR is determined by your organs, particularly energy-hungry organs like your brain, liver, kidneys, and heart.

TEF: Thermic Effect of Food

  • Calories burned while digesting and absorbing nutrients from food.


  • Calories burned during your logged workouts.

NEAT: Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis

  • Calories burned by non-exercise activity (e.g. work and daily life).

  • All that’s leftover after the rest

  • the calories we burn through movement outside of planned exercise.  Any movement that is unplanned is NEAT - getting out of bed, walking to the kitchen to have breakfast, running for the bus, walking to the lift at work, shifting around in your seat, walking to grab lunch and everything in between. 


Exploring Pediatric Obesity Research with Justin Ryder, Clinical Research Advisor at Calorify


Calorify’s Role in Clinical Trials: A Q&A with Advisor Ellen Weiss