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Calorify vs Other Tests
Erica Svendahl Erica Svendahl

Calorify vs Other Tests

Ever wonder if you can access all the incredible metrics Calorify offers without taking a Calorify test? The short answer is no. The long answer is you can try but... it'll take a lot of time and money and you'll still miss a lot of key data the Calorify test offers.

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When should I repeat test?
Erica Svendahl Erica Svendahl

When should I repeat test?

At Calorify, we know that no body burns the same, so everybody has different testing needs. In this post, we’ll walk through three of the most common scenarios.

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The Myth of the 2,000 Calorie Diet
Erica Svendahl Erica Svendahl

The Myth of the 2,000 Calorie Diet

Where does the 2,000 come from? Is 2,000 average? How do I know if my caloric needs are higher or lower than 2,000? Calorify digs into where the 2,000 calorie diet comes from and why it doesn’t work for everyone.

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